Cuphead Rush

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  • Description
  • How to play?

In online games, you can breathe life into any object and turn it into a funny character. Let’s transform a usual cup into a living being and play with it. You will play for a strange hero in this racing entertainment. It has legs and arms, but look at his head! It is not even a head but a real cup! But nevertheless, it is very active and always looks for new adventures. Moreover, Cuphead can run, slide, jump and roll. Now, this mischievous hero is going to take part in a long run full of unexpected twists. So his capabilities will come in handy for dodging any traps and obstacles that appear on this way.

You need to run as long as you can without stopping. But at the same time, you need to somehow avoid dangers, jump over spikes, keep away from enemies, animals and monsters with the help of jumps and skillful moves. Analyze in advance what stunt you should perform next to successfully pass the barrier. In the process, try not to miss the gold stars. Once you accumulate enough stars, you can unlock new characters for even more fun. The gameplay is literally endless – do your best to reach the highest score. And even if you fail, immediately start anew to set new records and achievements!

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